Jason’s silver fellas

Jason’s got good taste.  He’s the owner of the Mohawk and the Tibetan rings.  He recently sent me some shots of the pair of rings that I wanted to post.  (One of them featuring a mean-looking bone-handled push knife that gives me all kinds of ideas for a custom knife handle.)


I’ve started working on some new gemstone-eyed rings and….dare I say it?  It’s time to begin working on the next generation of Voodoo rings.




Chained Up

Man, I’ve been busy.  Sooo many rings on the bench right now.  Clients have been super patient as I hammer these f’kers out like a madman.  Just finished two bracelets:  A Days of the Dead and a Gotham.

That “Days” is part of my Full Right Hand Special for Richie, who’s been waiting like a saint.  Bracelet is finally done, dude, and the ring is just about there.



As much time as chains take to make, they’re a lot of fun.  It’s a Zen thing.  I just sit there, linking silver together with chain-nose pliers, listening to music or half-assed watching a movie.   Usually a cigar involved.  One the sucker is mocked up, I solder all the links closed, tumble polish it to harden it up, blacken the recessed areas, and then hand polish for the final look.

Yeah, they take a long time to make, but that’s the beauty of it.  When you wear something like this, you can sort of appreciate it.  This isn’t one of those machine-made figaro chains, baby.